
From Time to Market to Business Moment

By Ingrid Mota

How many times have you or have you been questioned about the results of your spending on marketing, its return on investment, how much it motivated the purchase of your product and modified the customer's purchasing behavior.
There it is convenient to remember the cliché that says that “time is money”.
Certainly every minute in the conception of the product, the weight spent for its arrival on the market and its return can be measured, but it is important to question the efficiency of the technology used in this type of measurement. …

Customer satisfaction

By Ingrid Mota
Twitter: @ingridmotta

The marketing It is not exactly an exact science, but it is governed by laws. The first one is very simple: a consumer does not buy products, but solutions to their needs, which can take the form of products or services.
The interesting thing is to make the intangible of a service become an experience that consumers can feel, smell, hear or even try, so that they can fall in love and want to buy it. …

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Segment or die, that is the question

By Ingrid Mota
Twitter: @ingridmotta

"Good 'ol times", the grandparents would say, when the whole family gathered in front of the television (or the radio!) to enjoy a good program, which, due to its content, summoned the whole family to be entertained.
The brands had their own television shows, where for hours they presented the benefits of their products that were well received by young and old. All at once. …

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Branding: From the Science to the Art of Marketing  

By Ingrid Mota
Twitter: @ingridmotta

What assets are those that give value to a company? Your fixed assets such as real estate, infrastructure, etc. Your customer base, of course. Oh sure, and also your brand.
Today we have not the slightest doubt that the brand is precisely the main value component of a company. Brand creation or branding It is the result of the accumulated experiences that a consumer has, which create a perception about a company, its employees and its products.

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Information is power… for marketing

By Ingrid Mota

Nothing more creative to generate high-impact terms than the marketing. How many times in a meeting has it not happened to you that you notice that you already have to update yourself on acronyms and bombastic terms to name really simple things.
The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) It is a case of these that I mention to you, which is actually an old concept with a new outfit. What was previously known as a customer database has been maintained and has evolved as one of the main marketing tools. …

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When reality beats planning in marketing

By Ingrid Mota
Twitter: @ingridmotta

Occasionally reality surpasses planning and many times this is the result of a strategy of marketing.
Let me explain about it.
Let's imagine a market where you have a product or service and you can offer it with standard packaging at a standard price. However, you have the idea to add marketing to it, and what happens? You manage to increase your sale due to the market creation effect of marketing. That is, it does a boost in the market. …

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How was your first experience… of a brand?

By Ingrid Mota 

Brands care a lot about hiring excellent candidates to manage them within their sales teams. marketing; they investigate them, they interview them on several occasions with different hierarchical levels within the company, they give them psychometric tests and subject them to all kinds of tests. But we should ask ourselves... how much do they care about giving a great brand experience to their consumers?

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Take the line of Digital Marketing

By Ingrid Mota

The only constant is change. In the world of marketing, whoever wants to prevail must ride in the new digital era, commanded by communication and the free expression of digital content, which travels with absolute immediacy, ubiquity, without borders or passports, from one part of the world to another.
The evolution of traditional marketing that contemplated satisfying the needs of consumers and anticipating market demand through the creation of a product that, when properly promoted and distributed, would give great profits to companies, did not consider that in a short time It would be the consumers who would determine how the companies would travel to follow their increasingly specialized demands. …

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The Moment of Truth in Marketing

By Ingrid Mota
Twitter: @ingridmotta

Many of those who are around 20 years old today are a fundamental part of the growth of social networks and the digital marketing. They are the Mobile Generation. A few yesterdays ago, when we met friends or work contacts we still asked ourselves a question: Do you have email?
Currently, everything has changed radically, we live immersed in technology, we communicate via social networks, we buy online and we are in constant dialogue with hundreds of brands. Companies like Google until a few years ago, the model of uses and purchasing habits of any person, renaming the famous "Moment of Truth"  that Karl Alprecht rightly raised as the "episode in which the consumer comes into contact with any aspect of a company and creates an impression about the quality of its service", renaming it today as “The Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT)”. …
