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Segment or die, that is the question

By Ingrid Mota
Twitter: @ingridmotta

"Good 'ol times", the grandparents would say, when the whole family gathered in front of the television (or the radio!) to enjoy a good program, which, due to its content, summoned the whole family to be entertained.
The brands had their own television programs, where for hours, they presented the benefits of their products that were well received by children and adults. All at once.

From segment to target
Every day, market segmentation manages to satisfy the demanding and increasingly pulverized tastes of consumers, who are looking for products ad hoc to your lifestyle and needs. In this way, they cause the world of marketing to completely change its paradigms and as a result categorize consumers into more specific segmentation and market niches.

Thus, following the path to get closer to our consumer, we arrive at market segment or niche, which is the group of people who identify themselves by similar needs and tastes, in order to learn more about our target, which is the specific consumer of that market segment to whom we address our offer.

All the efforts of a marketer must be focused on the market segments that will buy his product, in such a way that he manages to be specific and efficient enough in his marketing strategies to persuade his consumer.

The consumer under the magnifying glass
Consumers make their decisions based on different variables that range from rational to emotional. There are four factors that determine market segmentation:

  • Geographic Segmentation (Where to sell): It allows us to have a vision, through a geographical parameter, of the segmentation of our consumer by: cities, towns, countries, number of people who live in a specific region, their culture and language.
  • Economic and Demographic Segmentation (What to sell): It allows us to consider the relevant population factors to create a consumer profile, such as: age, gender, income level, marital status, education level, among others.
  • Psychographic Segmentation (Who to sell to): It provides us with information about the needs of our consumers in order to psychologically determine their tastes and preferences. There are different Qualitative and Quantitative studies that are an indispensable tool to know these factors in depth.
  • Lifestyle Targeting (How to Sell): They are the result of the life choices that consumers make and that determine their behavior, attitudes and values, which cause their purchasing habits. These factors go hand in hand with Psychographic Segmentation.


Source: www.cruisemarketwatch.com
To the target what you ask for
Segmenting the consumer offers the marketer the possibility of focusing his marketing strategy, and thus, ensuring business results; however, it is worth never stopping asking yourself: how much should we segment communication towards the consumer?

Creating messages with too many options can unleash confusion in communication with our target, and make us fall into the temptation of launching endless strategies. above and below the line, that could result in the consumer deciding on another product from our competition, due to its simplicity and clarity in what it offers.
