Month: April 2014

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Segment or die, that is the question

By Ingrid Mota
Twitter: @ingridmotta

"Good 'ol times", the grandparents would say, when the whole family gathered in front of the television (or the radio!) to enjoy a good program, which, due to its content, summoned the whole family to be entertained.
The brands had their own television shows, where for hours they presented the benefits of their products that were well received by young and old. All at once. …

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Branding: From the Science to the Art of Marketing  

By Ingrid Mota
Twitter: @ingridmotta

What assets are those that give value to a company? Your fixed assets such as real estate, infrastructure, etc. Your customer base, of course. Oh sure, and also your brand.
Today we have not the slightest doubt that the brand is precisely the main value component of a company. Brand creation or branding It is the result of the accumulated experiences that a consumer has, which create a perception about a company, its employees and its products.

Ingrid Mota

Ingrid Motta, SAMSUNG (10)

Ingrid Mota

Managing Director, BrainGame Central

Ingrid Motta has a degree in Communication from the Intercontinental University and also has a Master's degree in Advertising as well as a Diploma in specialized marketing.

At a professional level, he has more than 20 years of experience in advertising management, public relations, online and offline strategic communication, crisis management, internal communication, and public and corporate affairs. He has worked successfully in international companies such as Avon, Mary Kay, Motorola, Acciona and Samsung Electronics.

Recognized as one of the 50 most powerful women by Expansión magazine (2013), as well as one of the most influential women in technology by Poder y Negocios magazine (2013). Similarly, in 2011 she was named one of the most influential women in the field of technology by the newspaper El Universal.

Before forming her Integrated Marketing agency, BrainGame Central, Ingrid worked at Samsung as Director of Communications, Public Relations, Digital Marketing and Public Affairs where she helped position the company as a global leader in innovation.

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Information is power… for marketing

By Ingrid Mota

Nothing more creative to generate high-impact terms than the marketing. How many times in a meeting has it not happened to you that you notice that you already have to update yourself on acronyms and bombastic terms to name really simple things.
The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) It is a case of these that I mention to you, which is actually an old concept with a new outfit. What was previously known as a customer database has been maintained and has evolved as one of the main marketing tools. …

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When reality beats planning in marketing

By Ingrid Mota
Twitter: @ingridmotta

Occasionally reality surpasses planning and many times this is the result of a strategy of marketing.
Let me explain about it.
Let's imagine a market where you have a product or service and you can offer it with standard packaging at a standard price. However, you have the idea to add marketing to it, and what happens? You manage to increase your sale due to the market creation effect of marketing. That is, it does a boost in the market. …
