
Do we have Engagement?

By: Ingrid Motta


If you are a marketer or you surround yourself with them, surely you repeatedly hear the term “engagement”, especially when the results of a campaign are presented on social networks. It is precisely that moment when we all put on the face of experts and quickly get out of the way.

The term engagement It is sometimes confused as the metrics of how many people saw our content on social networks at a given time and from there it can be said that it is possible to motivate the sale of a product.

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Let's talk about trends in marketing: smart banking

By Ingrid Mota
Twitter: @ingridmotta

Just the thought of going to the bank stresses me out. You never know how well you will do in any operation you make and how lucky you will be with the cashier who attends to you, that without considering the time it will take you.
However, banking has evolved along with information technology. Today there are solutions where mobile applications make our lives easier by making our experience in banking services more friendly and efficient.
According to the Fifth Financial Inclusion Report prepared by the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNVB), in Mexico, towards the end of 2013, mobile banking services were used by 1.06 out of every hundred Mexicans, since there were 883 thousand bank accounts linked to a mobile phone terminal. In fact, this same study revealed that the number of mobile banking users increased by 241.9% during 2013*. …
