Repositioning: Enchúlame la Marca

By Ingrid Mota
Twitter: @ingridmotta

We call positioning the mental space in which a product or brand and its benefits are placed in the mind of the consumer.

However, in this world where technological change has become constant, repositioning is a fundamental tool to ensure that a product remains competitive again and again in the mind of the consumer, and remains relevant.

A disastrous scenario for a marketer results when they have a weakened brand and are immersed in a competitive ecosystem abundant in options for consumers and changes in the economy.

Even in the Repositioning there are classes

Repositioning can start as a product strategy, a brand strategy or an entire organization strategy, for which it is necessary to change the expectations of all those involved such as employees, shareholders and suppliers, and even competitors.

It is not easy to make the repositioning decision in static terms. The world and the competition are just the opposite, quite dynamic, so it is necessary to understand the changes that the market is undergoing and how our consumers and other companies will react to these changes. Market studies play a key role here to determine if we are at the right time to start the strategy.

How many times have we heard that a repositioning has saved different companies from disappearing. An emblematic case of recent times was that of Motorola when you decided to adopt the Android operating system for your smart mobile devices or when Manzana it changed the market and the world of music lovers by creating its iPod and unseating its competitors in that segment (sorry Sony!), becoming the revolutionary option for storing and consuming musical content. With this, Apple achieved success and turned its financial situation around 180 degrees.

Repositioning can be applied to modify previously established ideas and helps us to change the perception in the collective and consumer mind.

In marketingperceptions are realities

Here is a magnificent example of repositioning that is just beginning to go viral on social networks, which will give you the idea of how a change in perception can be a very positive strategy for a brand and even a cultural turning point.


The campaign was created by Leo Burnett for the brand Always, who hired Lauren Greenfield to create a documentary, in which he asked a group of teenagers to act "like a girl". He compared it with the perception of the same situation that a group of girls had, in order to highlight the female stereotype in older groups and its negative effect on the confidence of the new generations.

The video has had more than 14 million views. views and it has been a great inspiration for many women and men who, worldwide, find in it a common place in their life experiences and are reflected in a denigrating situation against the female gender.

This repositioning of the brand is clearly the result of an analysis of the market in which many brands have been joining together from the wake-up call that the Dove brand made a few years ago, by boosting the self-esteem of women and placing real models in their advertising.

What do we get out of all this? At least for a moment it is convenient to review the positioning of our brand. In this way we will be able to recognize, if necessary, if we should initiate a repositioning strategy that is forceful enough to convince our audience and our investors… #likeagirl
