Published by: Alianzapacifico.net
- The Pacific Alliance promotes the participation and business generation of companies that are led by women.
- The Mexican businesswoman, Ingrid Motta presented the success story of her company BrainGame Central 5 years after its constitution.
As a space for commercial exchange and experiences between businesswomen from the member countries of the Pacific Alliance, as well as the acquisition and exchange of new knowledge and experiences that translate into more intra-alliance business and towards other markets, it was carried out in the Forum Women Leaders 2018.
During the event, the panel "Success stories of leading businesswomen from the Pacific Alliance" was held, where Ingrid Motta, General Director of BrainGame Central as a success story from Mexico, presented the story of building her communication agency and specialized marketing in the fields of telecommunications.
In an interview, the Mexican businesswoman Ingrid Motta commented that BrainGame Central is a Communication, Public Relations and Marketing Agency, specialized in Telecommunications and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) that currently has 6 direct and 17 indirect collaborators, of which which 45% are women.
When questioned about the advantages of companies hiring women, she stated that it is not a gender issue but rather a skills issue; “I believe that both sexes are complementary and multiply as a whole. The women I hire are usually mothers and professionals who want to continue developing successfully at work, without neglecting their family and achieving balance in their lives”.
Regarding the challenges she has faced as a businesswoman, Motta said: “At first, believing in myself, facing my own fears and discovering my abilities outside of a corporation to create my own company. The second thing would be to position myself as an executive now a businesswoman before a market and to achieve a relevant space in a sector mainly led by men such as the telecommunications and information and communication technology (ICT) sector”.
The businesswoman also referred to the factors that have contributed to her economic growth or the success of the company and explained that "the specialization in the services that we offer as a Communication, Public Relations and Marketing agency, specializing in telecommunications and ICT, which has as a vision not only to offer communication services, but beyond that, to provide foreign companies in these sectors, an ecosystem of relationships with the media, industry and government, to enter Mexico and Latin America to expand their market and grow their business".
In relation to the actions that the Pacific Alliance is developing and proposing for women entrepreneurs, she assured that "the Pacific Alliance supports the empowerment of women entrepreneurs for their growth and participation in the economy of the countries of the region, through training and relationship programs among themselves and with companies with which they can create a business environment for their mutual growth”.
It should be noted that, during the business roundtable, ProMéxico participated with a delegation of businesswomen, mainly from the textile fashion sector and secondly from the agri-food sector, from states such as Oaxaca, Guerrero, Puebla, the State of Mexico and Mexico City, who seek to promote their offer exportable to 32 intra-Alliance buyers through one-on-one meetings. This commercial exchange space expects to generate 352 business appointments.
The four founding nations of the Pacific Alliance gather 38% of the GDP of Latin America and when adding all their production and if they were counted as a single country, in 2017 they would have been the eighth economy in the world.