
Do we have Engagement?

By: Ingrid Motta


If you are a marketer or you surround yourself with them, surely you repeatedly hear the term “engagement”, especially when the results of a campaign are presented on social networks. It is precisely that moment when we all put on the face of experts and quickly get out of the way.

The term engagement It is sometimes confused as the metrics of how many people saw our content on social networks at a given time and from there it can be said that it is possible to motivate the sale of a product.

Repositioning: Enchúlame la Marca

By Ingrid Mota
Twitter: @ingridmotta

We call positioning the mental space in which a product or brand and its benefits are placed in the mind of the consumer.

However, in this world where technological change has become constant, repositioning is a fundamental tool to ensure that a product remains competitive again and again in the mind of the consumer, and continues to be relevant. …

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Personal Marketing: We all have a price

By Ingrid Mota
Twitter: @ingridmotta

We all have a price. Whoever said that was absolutely right.

Believe it or not, we are all a product that can be created and recreated according to a plan of marketing. Thus, our personal ecosystem has Price, Place and Promotion.

Personal marketing is the creation of a brand that a person makes of himself and this generates a reputation. It uses the same principles of commercial and social marketing, and allows us to trace the route to achieve the success of our goals. When it is well conceptualized and implemented it can be a very powerful tool to achieve success in your goals. …

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Branding: From the Science to the Art of Marketing  

By Ingrid Mota
Twitter: @ingridmotta

What assets are those that give value to a company? Your fixed assets such as real estate, infrastructure, etc. Your customer base, of course. Oh sure, and also your brand.
Today we have not the slightest doubt that the brand is precisely the main value component of a company. Brand creation or branding It is the result of the accumulated experiences that a consumer has, which create a perception about a company, its employees and its products.
